When we're waxing poetical, we compare our community to a stand of Wellington bush …

Some of us have responded to God’s call to live in this Kelburn/Aro neighbourhood for a long time, to sustain a Christian witness here. We’re like the tōtara or the hīnau, growing from small saplings into mature trees, providing shelter for new saplings and bird life.

Others of us are here for a shorter time period, like the birds that find a home among the mature trees. 

Our kids are the kākā – they bring a lot of noisy fun to the parish! Our students and young professionals are like kererū – they join for a time, before God calls them on to seed the forest elsewhere. In the time kererū are here, they receive input they might not get at a suburban church. And they also get challenged to think prayerfully about their next move, and how it will help extend God’s Kingdom. 

The forest at St Michael’s is grown in various ways, some informal and some formal. Our informal gatherings include monthly lunch together and visits to the pub after services. You can find out more about these on our Facebook page. In addition, check out the community building activities below…

Let us not neglect meeting together …

Life groups

Life groups blend prayer, community and Bible study. They also undergird St Michael’s mission activity. There’s a group at St Michael’s for everyone. There’s a daytime group, a women’s group, and a variety of allcomers’ groups.

jesus was transfigured before them ...
he touched them saying "Get up and do not be afraid"

The Transfiguration Community

The Community of the Transfiguration is a residential community of students, graduates and families, whose members worship together at St Michael’s. They’re committed to bringing the light of Christ to Victoria University, in partnership with the Anglican Chaplaincy at Victoria. Members of the Community commit for a year to a rhythm of prayer, hospitality, service and fun. We're under the protection of Bishop Justin and Assistant Bishop Anashuya. For information about the community, or an application form, email Mel.

Want to know more?
At St Michael’s you’ll find a church community committed to integrating faith, thought and practice into a whole Christian life.
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© 2020 St Michael’s Anglican Church, Kelburn, Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zealand